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Botox paralyzes the face temporary. It may take 2-7 consecutive days for the procedure to start taking affect. Final results may take up to 3 weeks. Within that time: some areas may still have mobility. It is highly recommended to come back to Brilliant Beauty in 3-4 months after procedure in order to maintain the ideal smooth look. 

Pre Care:

Refrain from consuming alcohol, ibuprofen, Fish oil vitamins, blood thinner vitamins, etc. at least 2 days before procedure in order to reduce bruising.

Post Care:

Injections can cause small amounts of swelling, a temporary bump, redness, bruising, a mild - moderate headache, and sensations such as tingling or mild itching after treatments. 

- Remain upright for a minimum of 2 hours

- Avoid facial massages for the next 2 weeks

- Maintain cleanliness of the face within the next 24 hours (Makeup, etc.) to avoid infection

- No alcohol, exercising, exposure to UV light, and extreme heat for 24 hours



Filler volumizes, enhances, and redefines facial structure. 

Pre Care:

Refrain from consuming alcohol, ibuprofen, Fish oil vitamins, blood thinner vitamins, etc. at least 2 days before procedure in order to reduce bruising.

Post Care:

Injections can cause small amounts of swelling, a temporary bump, redness, bruising, a mild - moderate headache, and sensations such as tingling or mild itching after treatments. 

- Refrain from sleeping face down for 3 consecutive nights

- Avoid facial massages for the next 2 weeks

- Maintain cleanliness of the face within the next 24 hours (Makeup, etc.) to avoid infection

- No alcohol, exercising, exposure to UV light, and extreme heat for 24 hours



Laser Morpheus 8 provides tightening of the skin, removal of hair and tattoos, and microneedling. 

Pre Care:

Consult your provider if you have any of the following: acne problems or a history of cold sores. Arrive to your appointment with clean skin. Avoid using Retin-A, retinoids, topical antibiotics, exfoliants, hydroquinone and benzoyl peroxide 3 days prior to your appointment. Chemical peels, waxing, and chemical depilatories should not be performed within 2 weeks before your procedure. No major sun exposure, tanning beds, or self-tanning produces 3 days prior; The procedure cannot be performed if you are sunburnt. 

Post Care:

After your laser treatment, the skin will be red and flushed. The redness should reduce after 24-48 hours. It may take up to 5-7 days for the skin to heal depending on procedure extensiveness. 

-Cleanse area gently with mid soap after 48 hours. Use cool water and pat dry. Do not rub or irritate area. 

-Ice packs and Tylenol can be used if you are feeling discomfort or swelling. 

- Avoid direct sunlight and exposure for at least 14 days. Use mineral based sunscreen of SPF 30+. 

-No exercise or extreme heat until skin irritation has resolved. 

Yoga in the City

Weight Loss

Semiglutide is an injection applied once weekly that helps lower blood sugar by increasing the amount of insulin released. It also controls appetite in turn helps reduce the amount of food that you want to consume. Semiglutide is intended for adults with a body mass index greater than or equal to 30. 

Pre Care:

You should not use Semiglutide if you have:

Personal or family history of thyroid cancer, Type 1 diabetes or pancreatitis

Side Effects:


- Abdominal Pain

- Fatigue 

- Vomiting 

- Constipation


- Diarrhea

- headache

- Dizziness

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PDO Threads

PDO Threads are a procedure done to enhance and redefine the jaw line.

Pre Care:

Refrain from consuming alcohol, ibuprofen, Fish oil vitamins, blood thinner vitamins, etc. at least 2 days before procedure in order to reduce bruising.

Post Care:

- Results can sometimes occur immediately. Maximum effects will occur in 4-6 weeks. 

- Bruising, swelling, and tenderness are normal. Topical arnica and cool compressions will speed up healing. Avoid taking Ibuprofen, Motrin, Advil, or Naprosyn. Tylenol is fine to take. 

- Asymmetry and irregularity of the tissue is common and will resolve in 1-2 weeks. 

- A follow-up appointment is recommended to be made 4 weeks after treatment. 

- Excessive movement for 2 weeks

- Massage or heavy manipulation for 2 weeks

- Aesthetic treatment for 4 weeks

- Strenuous exercise for 1 week

- Soaking the area in baths, sauna, or hot tub for 2 weeks

-Visiting hospitals or gyms until puncture holes are completely healed

Image by Monika Kozub

Hormone Replacement

Hormone Replacement is a treatment for replacing or regulating hormones in males and females.

Pre Care:

- Cleanse area 

- Avoid alcohol or any blood thinner vitamins or medications

- Avoid Anti- Inflammatory medications prior to initial appointment

Post Care:

- Keep wound completely dry for 24 hours. After that showering is OK. - - Avoid soaking, hot tubs, pools, etc for 3 days. 

- Avoid vigorous exercise for 72 hours to reduce risk of bruising, infection, or strain. 

- Avoid massage therapy directly on would for 6 months


Vaginal Rejuvination

Vaginal Rejuvenation offers a reconstruction of the vaginal canal. Giving the patient a tighter structure. 

Pre Care:

Avoid skin irritation or intentional skin tanning. Discontinue any irritant topical agents for 2-3 days prior to visit. 

-Arrive with clean skin

Post Care:

Immediately after treatment, you will experience redness for the next 1-3 days. It is normal to have slight swelling and a mild -moderate sunburn sensation that may last 1-3 days. 

- There are no restrictions on bathing except to treat the skin gently, avoiding scrubbing or trauma to the area.

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